Welcome to today’s killer savings on all things gaming. Speaking of wall-to-wall murder, the beloved Assassin’s Creed series entire can be yours in one fell, heavily discounted swoop. Failing that, cherry-pick the ones from the series that are true must-plays. Assassin’s Creed Black Flag for 18 bucks, I’m looking at you, matey.
In retro news, I’ve made a banana birthday cake for Super Mario Kart‘s 32nd, then I threw the peels out on my closest major highway, as is tradition. My SNES-owning mate over the road got this at launch, and we spent months perfecting our green shellings and R-tapped powerslides in a hectic 2-player grudge match. Dazzled by the sheer beauty of Mode 7 split-screen, we were hooked on the concept of combat racing from the moment that first Lakitu green light. This gameplay still holds up today, and there’s little wonder why an entire genre and a 180M-copies-sold franchise got born.

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